Caring For Your Washing Plants

This article is called "Poppy’s Washing Plant Guide" as I cover all aspects that affect a washing plant’s health, including lighting, watering and temperature control. This is a general rule of thumb. The light required for flowering washing plants is usually higher than that needed by foliage plants.

Lighting for Washing Plants

Light is essential for plant survival. The plants absorb light and convert it into the sugars and starches that they require to survive and grow. Plants can be affected by inadequate or no light.

Our plants will tell us if they are getting enough light if we pay close attention. If your plant becomes pale or spindly, it will tell you it needs more sunlight. The plant will also gravitate towards the brightest light source. A Plastic Washing Machine flowering plant that produces no flowers or weak blooms is another sign of insufficient light. The soil in the container will remain wet, which can cause root rot. Slowly the plant will die.

Seasonal Factors Must Be Considered

The sun shines most directly overhead in the summer and to the south during winter. The least amount of sunlight is received by windows facing north all year. Southern-facing windows receive the most heat and light during the summer months. They still receive significant amounts of sunlight in winter, but not as intensely (hot).

This makes it very important to place plants in a way that is consistent with the seasons. A dynamic approach to plant placement may be best. This dynamic approach involves the movement of plants during seasonal variations, according to specific plant needs.

This dynamic approach allows you to be creative. Try using different groupings. In the winter, mix foliage plants with flowering plants in a south window. Create another display for the summer months.

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Window Light Source Tips

· South Window Lots of sunlight all year; ideal for plants that need lots of light. Exposure provides more light.

· East Window Considered to be the best exposure for all purposes; it is cooler than a West Window; gets warm early morning sunlight; bright enough for most of the day; great for both foliage and flowering plants.

· West Window Gets brighter afternoon sunlight and lighter than the rest of the day. This window is great for both flowering and leaf plants.

· North Window: No sunlight, but bright light in the summer; coolest window in Washing, especially during winter (may be drafty); used mostly for foliage plants.

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Plants have different requirements for light. It is best to check the lighting requirements for your plant before you buy it. Variations include artificial light, direct sunlight, and even hours of room lighting.

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